Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Brave Man

Matt's surgery was yesterday. He was a little nervous about it but everything went well. His dad took him because Ivy had a short day at school. I left as soon I dropped Ivy off at home with Grandma. I was talking to my friend Staci on the phone and got lost on the way! The nurse called to tell me Matt was out of surgery and I had to tell her I got lost.

When I got to the surgery center they ushered me back. Matt looked really good for just getting out of surgery. We had to wait a while for his blood pressure to go down before we could leave and then we were on our way.

He has to wear this blue styrofoam around his wrist to help keep his hand elevated. Ivy was disappointed that they didn't put him in a cast because she wanted to write her and Lucy's name on it. That will have to wait until his Dr.'s appointment next week.
I asked Matt on the way home if he said anything funny when he came to in the recovery room. He said "No. but I will tell you something else I said." He told me that the nurses were going to see if I was in the waiting room to have me come back. Matt said," Ok. She will be the pretty one out there." Oh man.....my heart skipped a beat. Love it when a man says something sweet about their wife in public, and mine did it loaded up with drugs. hahaPlease continue to pray that he wouldn't be in a lot of pain, that his wrist would heal fast and right, and that God would allow our bills to be lowered and that we would have the finances. Continuing to trust the One who has everything under control.

Trying to prayerfully remember that this trial should not be the focus of my attention. It is the Lord. To Him will I look.
Thanks for your prayers!

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